Israel News

Ottawa – Israeli Canadian Woman’s Varied Past Revealed

Ottawa – Israeli Canadian Woman’s Varied Past Revealed

Ottawa –  – The shadowed and mixed past of the Canadian woman reported to have been captured earlier this week by Islamic militants while fighting… Read More ›

Jerusalem – Israel’s Election Will Be A Referendum On Netanyahu

Jerusalem – Israel’s Election Will Be A Referendum On Netanyahu

Jerusalem – The coming Israeli election amounts to a referendum on Benjamin Netanyahu — The man who buried dreams of peace to some, a hard-headed… Read More ›

Jerusalem – Released Video Footage Of Jerusalem Supermarket Stabbing

Jerusalem – Released Video Footage Of Jerusalem Supermarket Stabbing

Jerusalem – New video footage has emerged of the stabbing attack that occurred in a Jerusalem supermarket on Wednesday. The video shows the terrorist stabbing… Read More ›

French Embassy in Israel encourages students to study in France

French Embassy in Israel encourages students to study in France

The French Embassy in Israel is set to hold an Information Day on Friday to inform and encourage potential students about the numerous study and… Read More ›

Lod, Israel – For Attempted Lynch Of Jewish Motorist Taibe Man Indicted

Lod, Israel – For Attempted Lynch Of Jewish Motorist Taibe Man Indicted

Lod, Israel –  After the attempted lynching of a Jewish motorist, less than a month ago, in Taibe, the Lod District Court on Thursday indicted… Read More ›

Oil spill in Israel

Oil spill in Israel

Israel says a breached pipeline has caused a large oil spill in the southern part of the country. Guy Samet, an Environment Ministry official in… Read More ›

Jerusalem – “I Am At The Start Of A Fight For Our Life” Livni Says On Threshold Of Election Campaign

Jerusalem – “I Am At The Start Of A Fight For Our Life” Livni Says On Threshold Of Election Campaign

Jerusalem – Former justice minister Tzipi Livni, in a farewell ceremony to the workers of the ministry after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired her earlier… Read More ›

Israel -Security Official States Palestinians Inciting Terror To Influence Israeli Politics

Israel -Security Official States Palestinians Inciting Terror To Influence Israeli Politics

Israel –  Security forces are concerned about an upswing in attempts to carry out terrorist attacks in order to influence domestic affairs in Israel, amid… Read More ›

Tel Aviv – Strike Averted! Israel Union, Employers Agree To Minimum Wage Hike

Tel Aviv – Strike Averted! Israel Union, Employers Agree To Minimum Wage Hike

Tel Aviv – Israel’s main labour union signed an agreement with private- sector employers to raise the minimum wage, averting a general strike slated for… Read More ›

Jerusalem – Charedi Extremists Attack Rabbi Police Officer In Mea Shearim Synagogue

Jerusalem – Charedi Extremists Attack Rabbi Police Officer In Mea Shearim Synagogue

Jerusalem – Jewish extremists attacked a police officer in uniform who entered a synagogue to pray in the Mea Shearim neighborhood  on Thursday. The officer did… Read More ›

Washington – Congress OKs Bill Although Watered Down On US-Israel Ties

Washington – Congress OKs Bill Although Watered Down On US-Israel Ties

Washington -On Wednesday, congress approved legislation deepening U.S.-Israeli cooperation after softening a push to grant Israelis visa-free travel rights to the United States even as… Read More ›

Israel – Political Turmoil Disrupts Visit By New York Legislators

Israel – Political Turmoil Disrupts Visit By New York Legislators

Israel – What most surprised a 12-member delegation of New York State legislators, touring Israel on a behind-the-headlines trip under the auspices of the New… Read More ›

London – Israeli Chocolate, Zaatar Truffle, Takes Gold At International Competition

London – Israeli Chocolate, Zaatar Truffle, Takes Gold At International Competition

London – You sprinkle it on pita, humous and pizza, but would you ever try zaatar with your chocolate? One Israeli company has taken that unlikely… Read More ›

Paris – Frenchman Jailed For Five Years For Hit-And-Run Killing In Israe

Paris – Frenchman Jailed For Five Years For Hit-And-Run Killing In Israe

Paris – A French national was sentenced on Wednesday to five years in jail for killing an Israeli woman while driving in Tel Aviv in… Read More ›

New York – The Jewish Daily Forward Profiles Rabbi Twersky’s Inner Dealings New Square Enclave

New York – The Jewish Daily Forward Profiles Rabbi Twersky’s Inner Dealings New Square Enclave

New York – The Jewish Daily Forward profiles Skverer Rebbe, Rabbi David Twersky and the secretive dealings and goings-on in his New Square enclave and… Read More ›

Jerusalem – Ex-Netanyahu Ally, Moshe Kahlon, Looks To Be Israeli Kingmaker

Jerusalem – Ex-Netanyahu Ally, Moshe Kahlon, Looks To Be Israeli Kingmaker

Jerusalem – Even before Israel’s hastily called election campaign kicks into gear, a former ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is shaping up to be… Read More ›

Bethoncourt, France – Young Girls Targeted By Jihadists In Europe For Recruitment To Attack Jews

Bethoncourt, France – Young Girls Targeted By Jihadists In Europe For Recruitment To Attack Jews

Bethoncourt, France – There is an increase in adolescent girls joining Islamic jihadists after being lured by Internet recruiters, European government officials say. The New… Read More ›

Jerusalem – Palestinia Attacker Shot By Guard After Stabbing 2 In Israeli Supermarket

Jerusalem – Palestinia Attacker Shot By Guard After Stabbing 2 In Israeli Supermarket

Jerusalem -A private security guard shot a Palestinian in a supermarket in the West Bank after he stabbed two Israelis, Israeli police said. Police spokeswoman… Read More ›

United Nations -Israel Calls Iran Seeking Key UN Post ‘Absurd’

United Nations -Israel Calls Iran Seeking Key UN Post ‘Absurd’

United Nations – In a move that Israel on Tuesday compared to gangster Al Capone running the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Iran is seeking… Read More ›

Amman – Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood Smuggling Weapons Into Israel

Amman – Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood Smuggling Weapons Into Israel

Amman – Arab media reports that the Jordanian government arrested 21 Muslim Brotherhood members for smuggling weapons and money into the West Bank. The Brotherhood… Read More ›