Israel News

Jerusalem – Israeli Parliament Sets Election After Dissolving Itself

Jerusalem – Israeli Parliament Sets Election After Dissolving Itself

Jerusalem – Israeli lawmakers have kicked off the country’s election campaign by voting overwhelmingly  to dissolve parliament. Monday’s vote in the 120-seat Knesset passed 93-0… Read More ›

United Nations – Sanctions called For By Syria On Israel Over Air Strikes

United Nations – Sanctions called For By Syria On Israel Over Air Strikes

United Nations – Monday,  Syria asked the United Nations Security Council  to impose sanctions on neighboring Israel, one day after accusing the Jewish state of… Read More ›

Is US-Israel friendship damaged?

Is US-Israel friendship damaged?

Former prime minister and defense minister Ehud Barak lamented his former partner Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for damaging the US-Israeli relationship and for failing to… Read More ›

United Nations- Collaboration Between Israel And Syrian Rebels Revealed By New UN Report

United Nations- Collaboration Between Israel And Syrian Rebels Revealed By New UN Report

United Nations – The Syrian ambassador to the UN has long complained of a Zionist conspiracy to overthrow President Bashar Assad working with the Syrian… Read More ›

Jerusalem – Ownership Dispute Over Syrian Jewish Bibles

Jerusalem – Ownership Dispute Over Syrian Jewish Bibles

Jerusalem – Israel’s national library has asked an Israeli court to grant it official custodianship over the manuscripts two decades after Israeli spies helped whisk… Read More ›

Moscow – Top Putin Aide:  ISIS Terrorists Being Trained In Iraq, Syria By Israeli Massad

Moscow – Top Putin Aide: ISIS Terrorists Being Trained In Iraq, Syria By Israeli Massad

Moscow – One of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s top aids on Sunday accused Israel and the United States of training the Islamic State in order… Read More ›

Tel Aviv – The High Court Is Expected To Allow Pinto Plea Bargain To Go Through

Tel Aviv – The High Court Is Expected To Allow Pinto Plea Bargain To Go Through

Tel Aviv – The High Court of Justice on Monday indicated that it would likely let the plea bargain of Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto go… Read More ›

Israel – Including Charedi Parties In New Government Is Opposed By Majority Of Public

Israel – Including Charedi Parties In New Government Is Opposed By Majority Of Public

Israel – A poll revealed that 62 percent of the public is in favor of a government without the haredi political parties. Poll was conducted… Read More ›

West Bank – Abbas Unconscious In Hospital?  Palestinian Internal Strife Sparks Rumors

West Bank – Abbas Unconscious In Hospital? Palestinian Internal Strife Sparks Rumors

West Bank- Rumors reached their peak over the weekend with reports that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas suffered a stroke, sparked by internal bickering among the… Read More ›

Gang of thieves tried to plunder Dead Sea Scrolls

Gang of thieves tried to plunder Dead Sea Scrolls

The Southern District Attorney’s Office on Sunday accused a gang of thieves of trying to plunder antiquities from a desert cave in the Judean Desert.… Read More ›

Israeli company gives orthodontics new bite

Israeli company gives orthodontics new bite

Israel – Hamas: Netanyahu By Allowing Jews On Temple Mount Is Playing With Fire

Israel – Hamas: Netanyahu By Allowing Jews On Temple Mount Is Playing With Fire

Israel – In an interview with Sky news on Friday,  Khaled Mashaal, the leader of Hamas, railed against Jews being allowed to visit the Temple… Read More ›

Jerusalem- ‘Shadow Of The Ultra-Orthodox’ Stymied Third Netanyahu Government

Jerusalem- ‘Shadow Of The Ultra-Orthodox’ Stymied Third Netanyahu Government

Jerusalem- One of the 33rd Government of Israel’s most striking aspects was the absence of the two haredi parties, Shas and United Torah Judaism, from… Read More ›

Israel – Man Threatening To Assassinate Netanyahu, Arrested

Israel – Man Threatening To Assassinate Netanyahu, Arrested

Israel – On Friday,  a 52-year-old Netanya resident was arrested after allegedly threatening to assassinate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel Radio reported. He also threatened… Read More ›

Jerusalem – Israel Bans Him From Gaza Visit, Gerry Adams Says

Jerusalem – Israel Bans Him From Gaza Visit, Gerry Adams Says

Jerusalem – During a three-day tour of the region, Irish nationalist leader Gerry Adams says Israel has barred him from making a planned visit to… Read More ›

Brussels- After France Recognize ‘Palestine’, Belgian Parliament In Line To Follow

Brussels- After France Recognize ‘Palestine’, Belgian Parliament In Line To Follow

Brussels – Though it is not clear what form the recognition will take, Belgium is the next country likely to make some type of move… Read More ›

Investigation Israel’s summertime military

Investigation Israel’s summertime military

A team of United Nations investigators arrived in the Gaza Strip to begin a three week investigation into Israeli air strikes on U.N. facilities during… Read More ›

Jerusalem – 60% Of Israelis In ‘JPost Poll’ Don’t Want Netanyahu Anymore

Jerusalem – 60% Of Israelis In ‘JPost Poll’ Don’t Want Netanyahu Anymore

Jerusalem – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s chances of coasting to an easy victory in the election which is to take place March 17 took a… Read More ›

Ramat Gan – Israel And Hungary  Forging Scientific Cooperation

Ramat Gan – Israel And Hungary Forging Scientific Cooperation

Ramat Gan – In order to advance scientific cooperation between Hungary and Israel, the Hungarian-Israeli scientific society was formally established at Bar-Ilan University this week.… Read More ›

Zagreb –  As WWII Restitution Croatia Returns Property To Jewish Community

Zagreb – As WWII Restitution Croatia Returns Property To Jewish Community

Zagreb – Croatia is transferring a piece of land in Zagreb to the Jewish community for property taken from the community during WWII as restitution. The… Read More ›