Articles by: JewishNews-Ben

Settler leaders: PM told us construction effectively frozen

Settler leaders: PM told us construction effectively frozen

Netanyahu said ‘settlements can no longer be developed,’ West Bank local council chiefs claim   Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told West Bank Jewish leaders Monday… Read More ›

Iran nuke deal is likely in coming hours, diplomats say

Iran nuke deal is likely in coming hours, diplomats say

Conflicting reports on whether announcement will be made pre-dawn Tuesday, as sides wrap up years of tortuous negotiations   An Iran nuclear agreement appeared likely within… Read More ›

First senior officer to be investigated by military police over Protective Edge conduct

First senior officer to be investigated by military police over Protective Edge conduct

Lt. Col. Neria Yeshurun, who led the battalion that lost Captain Dima Levitas, under scrutiny for allegedly approving shelling of clinic — supposedly in retaliation… Read More ›

Israel grants early release to top Islamic Jihad figure after hunger-strike

Israel grants early release to top Islamic Jihad figure after hunger-strike

In an effort to avoid spectators and not “risk the possibility of turning the release into a celebration” Israeli Security forces released Khader in the… Read More ›

Pope decries Capitalism, calls against sacrificing humans ‘on the altar of money’

Pope decries Capitalism, calls against sacrificing humans ‘on the altar of money’

“Corruption is the plague, it’s the gangrene of society,” he added during a heavily improvised speech at the rally, attended by Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes.… Read More ›

Khamenei: despite nuclear talks, ‘we will continue campaign against arrogant US

Khamenei: despite nuclear talks, ‘we will continue campaign against arrogant US

Khameini’s remarks surfaced not soon after Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif met with John Kerry in Austria’s Palais Coburg to iron out the final details… Read More ›

Hamas: Israel asked for bodies of soldiers

Hamas: Israel asked for bodies of soldiers

Leader of Gaza’s ruling group says he received messages from Israel through European channels, asking for the bodies of two soldiers killed in 2014’s Operation… Read More ›

IDF official: Cutting service time will harm combat readiness

IDF official: Cutting service time will harm combat readiness

Plan will be announced in the coming days that may reduce service time, including months of training, while creating two new mixed battalions, increasing combat… Read More ›

Obama: Chances of Iran deal less than 50-50

Obama: Chances of Iran deal less than 50-50

The president spoke to a meeting of Senate Democrats in an attempt to reassure them that he would not accept a bad Iran deal, if… Read More ›

Expecting an Iran deal, White House and Congress prepare to do battle

Expecting an Iran deal, White House and Congress prepare to do battle

Congressional deadline for shorter review arrives; AIPAC prepares rare White House fight; virtual silence in Vienna; foreign ministers to return.     VIENNA – Negotiations… Read More ›

‘Only about 50 Jews left in Syria’s main cities’

‘Only about 50 Jews left in Syria’s main cities’

Deputy minister Ayoub Kara speaks to Syrian Jewish leader.   Likud Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara, the acting minister of the Regional Cooperation Ministry, spoke with… Read More ›

Tehran’s anti-Israel Quds day falls on date of new Iran deadline

Tehran’s anti-Israel Quds day falls on date of new Iran deadline

Annual event of fiery anti-Israel protests in Iran falls on last Friday of Ramadan, and attracts tens of thousands of people.   Regardless of whether… Read More ›

Ultra-Orthodox Israeli minister slams Reform Judaism

Ultra-Orthodox Israeli minister slams Reform Judaism

Religious Services Minister David Azoulay says he doesn’t consider members of the denomination to be Jews; prime minister criticizes remarks. Israel’s minister for religious affairs… Read More ›

Head of Israel’s organized labor calls for nationwide strike

Head of Israel’s organized labor calls for nationwide strike

Failed talks with treasury officials on the issue of contract workers cause the labor chief to call for a massive strike that could shut down… Read More ›

US: Iran nuclear talks extended to Friday

US: Iran nuclear talks extended to Friday

Officials confirms additional extension of talks with Iran in Vienna, says ‘substantial progress’ has been made; source says deal must occur within 48 hours; US… Read More ›

Holocaust Claims Conference fraud likely ‘much higher’ than $57 million

Holocaust Claims Conference fraud likely ‘much higher’ than $57 million

Recently terminated ombudsman says organizational insiders have siphoned off funds meant for Holocaust survivors.   The scope of conspiracy to defraud the world’s largest Holocaust… Read More ›

40% of Israeli children in Gaza border town of Sderot suffer from anxiety, PTSD

40% of Israeli children in Gaza border town of Sderot suffer from anxiety, PTSD

“The ongoing situation in Sderot causes PTSD at a rate three or four times greater than that of the rest of the country,” expert says.… Read More ›

NGO: Israel forces migrants to choose between leaving for Rwanda or indefinite prison

NGO: Israel forces migrants to choose between leaving for Rwanda or indefinite prison

According to Hotline for Refugees and Migrants the State has invented a new loophole so it can detain migrants indefinitely in the Saharonim closed detention… Read More ›

Southampton, NY – Some Hamptons Villages Seek Limits On New Construction

Southampton, NY – Some Hamptons Villages Seek Limits On New Construction

  Southampton, NY – Mansions are as synonymous with the Hamptons as cocktail parties, manicured lawns and white sandy beaches. But some in three of… Read More ›

Jerusalem – President Rivlin Tells Arab Journalists: We Must Be Israelis Not Jews Or Arabs

Jerusalem – President Rivlin Tells Arab Journalists: We Must Be Israelis Not Jews Or Arabs

  Jerusalem – President Reuven Rivlin on Monday night hosted Arab notables at an Iftar dinner at his official residence.  In addition to Members of… Read More ›