Articles by: JewishNews-Rami

Former Head Of Israel Biological Institute: ‘I Made Three Mistakes- Pfizer Vaccines Are Dangerous’

Former Head Of Israel Biological Institute: ‘I Made Three Mistakes- Pfizer Vaccines Are Dangerous’

JERUSALEM — In a bombshell tweet issued by one of Israel’s most prominent biologists and the former head of the Israel Institute For Biological Research,… Read More ›

Analysis: Why Zelensky’s surprise US visit is so hugely significant

Analysis: Why Zelensky’s surprise US visit is so hugely significant

  President Volodymyr Zelensky’s White House visit Wednesday will symbolically bolster America’s role as the arsenal of democracy in the bitter war for Ukraine’s survival and send… Read More ›

Hidden Swastika Image in NY Times Crossword Puzzle?

Hidden Swastika Image in NY Times Crossword Puzzle?

NEW YORK CITY — The NY Times has a long track record of being anti-Jewish, but they may have sunk to a new low. It… Read More ›

Turko-Azeri drills increase anti-Israel paranoia in Iran

Turko-Azeri drills increase anti-Israel paranoia in Iran

Opinion: Reports by Iranian media are highlighting Israeli involvement in the military exercises with the use of antisemitic tropes In early December, the Caucasus region… Read More ›

Attacker yells ‘Kanye 2024’ after alleged antisemitic assault in NY, police say

Attacker yells ‘Kanye 2024’ after alleged antisemitic assault in NY, police say

63-year-old man hit from behind while walking in Central Park this week; police search for suspect, a man in his 40s   Police in New… Read More ›

OP-ED: We Need More Data on the Shidduch Crisis (and Many Other Things)

OP-ED: We Need More Data on the Shidduch Crisis (and Many Other Things)

NEW YORK (Yaakov M / VINnews) — Recently, Dr. Yosef Sokol released a breakthrough study about the Shidduch Crisis. He surveyed 15,000 people, and worked meticulously… Read More ›

Yeshiva Bochur In Serious Condition After Stabbing In Lakewood Yeshiva

Yeshiva Bochur In Serious Condition After Stabbing In Lakewood Yeshiva

  LAKEWOOD — A Yeshiva Bochur was transported to Jersey Shore Trauma Center on Thursday after he was stabbed. The incident took place inside a… Read More ›

Analysis: Why Viktor Bout’s return to Russia is so important for Vladimir Putin

Analysis: Why Viktor Bout’s return to Russia is so important for Vladimir Putin

It is the most uneven of swaps at the most unlikely of times, but perhaps the intense pressure of this moment is why the exchange… Read More ›

Incoming immigration minister says Law of Return ‘needs to be fixed’

Incoming immigration minister says Law of Return ‘needs to be fixed’

Religious Zionism’s Ofir Sofer doesn’t elaborate on plans, asks for ‘grace period’ to study issue before attempting changes, including to controversial ‘grandparent clause’   A… Read More ›

Elon Musk Fires Twitter’s General Counsel Over Supression Of Hunter Biden Scandal

Elon Musk Fires Twitter’s General Counsel Over Supression Of Hunter Biden Scandal

SAN FRANCISCO — Elon Musk has sacked Twitter’s General Counsel James Baker, due to his role in Twitter supressing the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. Musk… Read More ›

Analysis: As China moves away from zero-Covid, health experts warn of dark days ahead

Analysis: As China moves away from zero-Covid, health experts warn of dark days ahead

Hong Kong — China’s zero-Covid policy, which stalled the world’s second-largest economy and sparked a wave of unprecedented protests, is now being dismantled as Beijing on Wednesday released sweeping… Read More ›

Blinken Vows Us Support For Israel Despite Unease Over Gov’t

Blinken Vows Us Support For Israel Despite Unease Over Gov’t

  WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday the U.S. will not shrink from its unwavering support for Israel despite stark differences… Read More ›

Russia approves ban on ‘foreign agents’

Russia approves ban on ‘foreign agents’

Several rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, called for the initiative to be dropped as it was being approved by lawmakers.   Russia’s new laws… Read More ›

Hasidic Man Harassed On NYC Train, Attacker Brags That NYPD Won’t Do Anything (VIDEO)

Hasidic Man Harassed On NYC Train, Attacker Brags That NYPD Won’t Do Anything (VIDEO)

BROOKLYN — A Hasidic man was harassed on the J train heading from Brooklyn to Manhattan on Monday. The incident was tweeted out by another… Read More ›

Soldiers must be reminded their enemy is not those with opposing political views

Soldiers must be reminded their enemy is not those with opposing political views

Opinion: The punch to the face that IDF soldier gave the left-wing activist in West Bank city says a lot more about the Israeli political… Read More ›

Netanyahu puts extremist homophobic politician in charge of Israel’s Jewish identity

Netanyahu puts extremist homophobic politician in charge of Israel’s Jewish identity

Presumed PM-elect signs coalition deal with Avi Maoz, who holds radical views on non-Orthodox Judaism, LGBT Israelis, Arabs and women   One of the Knesset’s… Read More ›

Shin Bet thwarts bus bombing by Gazan with work permit

Shin Bet thwarts bus bombing by Gazan with work permit

Announcement comes 24hrs after two bombs placed at bus stops in Jerusalem killed a teenager and wounded dozens more.   The Shin Bet security agency… Read More ›

Body of Druze held by Palestinians in Jenin returned to family in Israel

Body of Druze held by Palestinians in Jenin returned to family in Israel

Military says expected the body returned over ‘humanitarian’ concerns; Gantz thanks Palestinian Authority for facilitating body’s return The body of Tiran Fero, a young Israeli… Read More ›

Uproar over settler attack on soldier only amplifies indifference to Palestinians

Uproar over settler attack on soldier only amplifies indifference to Palestinians

Opinion: The shock and condemnation in Israel following settler attack in Hebron on a female soldier proves that Palestinians in the same city don’t enjoy… Read More ›

Netanyahu: New government will pursue ‘broad’ consensus but defer to majority rule

Netanyahu: New government will pursue ‘broad’ consensus but defer to majority rule

In first speech to 25th Knesset, presumed prime minister rejects ‘moral preachings’ of outgoing administration, vows to ‘preserve Israeli democracy and Israel’   In his… Read More ›