Israel News

Bethoncourt, France – Young Girls Targeted By Jihadists In Europe For Recruitment To Attack Jews

Bethoncourt, France – Young Girls Targeted By Jihadists In Europe For Recruitment To Attack Jews

Bethoncourt, France – There is an increase in adolescent girls joining Islamic jihadists after being lured by Internet recruiters, European government officials say. The New… Read More ›

Jerusalem – Palestinia Attacker Shot By Guard After Stabbing 2 In Israeli Supermarket

Jerusalem – Palestinia Attacker Shot By Guard After Stabbing 2 In Israeli Supermarket

Jerusalem -A private security guard shot a Palestinian in a supermarket in the West Bank after he stabbed two Israelis, Israeli police said. Police spokeswoman… Read More ›

United Nations -Israel Calls Iran Seeking Key UN Post ‘Absurd’

United Nations -Israel Calls Iran Seeking Key UN Post ‘Absurd’

United Nations – In a move that Israel on Tuesday compared to gangster Al Capone running the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Iran is seeking… Read More ›

Amman – Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood Smuggling Weapons Into Israel

Amman – Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood Smuggling Weapons Into Israel

Amman – Arab media reports that the Jordanian government arrested 21 Muslim Brotherhood members for smuggling weapons and money into the West Bank. The Brotherhood… Read More ›

Two Israeli start-ups are finalists in the iiAwards

Two Israeli start-ups are finalists in the iiAwards

Two Israeli start-ups, Pixoneye and Pzartech, are two of the six super finalists in the iiAwards, a world start-up competition organized by the Paris Region… Read More ›

Jerusaem –  Without Presence Of Rabbinical Judges Lipman Calls For Women Converts To Be Able To Immerse

Jerusaem – Without Presence Of Rabbinical Judges Lipman Calls For Women Converts To Be Able To Immerse

Jerusalem – Yesh Atid MK Rabbi Dov Lipman on Tuesday called on the Ministry of Religious Services to allow women converting to Judaism to be… Read More ›

Bigger Message Needed By Israel

Bigger Message Needed By Israel

I’m repulsed by these anti-Israel groups on college campuses that pretend to care about oppressed people in the Middle East. They don’t. What they really… Read More ›

Washington –  Details On Nazi Benefit Payments Wanted By GOP Senetors

Washington – Details On Nazi Benefit Payments Wanted By GOP Senetors

Washington – Two senior Republican senators are demanding the Obama administration provide Congress with records explaining what roll the justice department played and how suspected… Read More ›

United Nations – UN Resolution: Nuclear Arms Must Be Renounced By Israel

United Nations – UN Resolution: Nuclear Arms Must Be Renounced By Israel

United Nations – The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved an Arab-backed resolution Tuesday calling on Israel to  put its nuclear facilities under international oversight and… Read More ›

Jerusalem – Eyeing Coalition With Haredim, Netanyahu Says He Opposes Criminal Sanctions For IDF Draft Dodgers

Jerusalem – Eyeing Coalition With Haredim, Netanyahu Says He Opposes Criminal Sanctions For IDF Draft Dodgers

Jerusalem – Seemingly paving the way for the formation of a new government with the haredi political parties after the coming election, Prime Minister Benjamin… Read More ›

Prime Minister of Israel wants a new, bigger and more stable government

Prime Minister of Israel wants a new, bigger and more stable government

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directed the secretary of government on Tuesday evening to dismiss Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni. “In the… Read More ›

Jerusalem – Why Is Netanyahu Trying To Make The ‘Jewish State’ More ‘Jewish’

Jerusalem – Why Is Netanyahu Trying To Make The ‘Jewish State’ More ‘Jewish’

Jerusalem – This might seem like an interesting time for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to promulgate a new law defining Israel’s identity as “the nation… Read More ›

Jerusalem – As Elections Appear Imminent, Israeli Prime Minister Fires Senior Government Ministers

Jerusalem – As Elections Appear Imminent, Israeli Prime Minister Fires Senior Government Ministers

Jerusalem – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  on Tuesday ordered the dismissal of his Finance and Justice ministers. and said he would dissolve parliament and seek… Read More ›

Tel Aviv – Shekel At Two-Year Low! Israel Markets Drop On Election Talk

Tel Aviv – Shekel At Two-Year Low! Israel Markets Drop On Election Talk

Tel Aviv – Israeli financial markets fell on Tuesday, as new elections appeared inevitable. with the shekel sliding 1.3 percent to a two-year low against the… Read More ›

Tel Aviv – Report: Mystery Civilian Plan Flying  Between Israel, Gulf State, Permenently

Tel Aviv – Report: Mystery Civilian Plan Flying Between Israel, Gulf State, Permenently

Tel Aviv – At Ben Gurion airport  a civilian plane has been tracked on a permanent flight path back and forth between Israel and an… Read More ›

Israel could have an early national election

Israel could have an early national election

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, enmeshed in a cabinet crisis, said on Monday he would call an early national election unless rebellious ministers stopped attacking… Read More ›

Police ban activist Yehuda Glick visiting Temple Mount

Police ban activist Yehuda Glick visiting Temple Mount

Rabbi Yehuda Glick  — a Temple Mount activist — was banned from visiting the site after he was arrested in August in connection with an… Read More ›

Kobani, Syria – Reportedly Captured By ISIS AN Israeli-Canadian Makes Contact

Kobani, Syria – Reportedly Captured By ISIS AN Israeli-Canadian Makes Contact

Kobani, Syria – A Canadian Israeli woman who was rumored to be captured by ISIS forces in Syria posted on her Facebook page on Monday… Read More ›

Washington – Tougher Iran Sanctions Being Sought By Pro-Israel Lobby

Washington – Tougher Iran Sanctions Being Sought By Pro-Israel Lobby

Washington – In response to a recent seven-month extension of nuclear talks the powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC is urging a dramatic escalation in sanctions on Iran.… Read More ›

Elad, Israel – Education Ministry Closes Haredi School For Discriminating Against Sephardi Girls

Elad, Israel – Education Ministry Closes Haredi School For Discriminating Against Sephardi Girls

Elad, Israel – Meir Shimoni, the director of the Haredi education sector in the Education Ministry, decided to close a  girls school in the haredi… Read More ›