All World News

A bomb threat made to an American Airlines flight

Authorities at John F. Kennedy International Airport are investigating a bomb threat made to an American Airlines flight from Barcelona, Spain landed safely in New… Read More ›

More than a thousand families evicted by the Gaza border

More than a thousand families evicted by the Gaza border

Egypt has forcibly evicted an estimated 1,165 families in Rafah so that it can clear a buffer zone by the Gaza border, charged the human… Read More ›

Forty fighters killed in Syria

At least 40 fighters on both sides were killed as Syrian Kurdish fighters and ISIS militants clashed in the northern Syrian city of Kobani, a… Read More ›

Mubarak claims: “I did nothing wrong”

Mubarak claims: “I did nothing wrong”

Mubarak acquitted under new President Morsi after two revolutions in Egypt. After being ousted once then overthrown, then ousted again, Egypt is going back to… Read More ›

CEOs are ready to revolt against Obamacare

Leading U.S. CEOs, angered by the Obama administration’s challenge to certain “workplace wellness” programs, are threatening to side with anti-Obamacare forces unless the government backs… Read More ›

Dee Caffari never stops

Dee Caffari never stops

One of the greatest female sailors on the planet Dee Caffari clearly did not take after her mother Barbara, whose fear of water is so… Read More ›

Hackers force messages on website via US firm

A U.S. firm that helps connect more than 700 companies with customers through social media says a Syrian group hacked the company’s web address to… Read More ›

James Watson sells his Nobel Prize

DNA pioneer James Watson is to sell the Nobel Prize he won for his co-discovery of the double helix structure, the building block of life.… Read More ›

The US And Qatar Are Training Anti-ISIS Fighters

Qatar, with help from the US, is training Syrian rebels at a base in the desert to fight President Bashar Assad’s forces and the Islamic… Read More ›

South African president welcomes Palestinian authority to Pretoria

South African President Jacob Zuma welcomed Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas to Pretoria on Wednesday, criticizing Israel’s settlement policy as “undermining” efforts to achieve a two-state… Read More ›

Two men robbed a Cartier store in Paris

Two men with an AK-47 robbed a Cartier jewelery store near Paris’s Champs-Elysees on Tuesday, leading to a police chase and a brief hostage-taking when… Read More ›

Immigration killed the tax deal

Immigration politics and Democratic infighting came together to doom the $400 billion deal even before it had made it into print. The brinksmanship threatens to… Read More ›

Were American victims targeted because they were American citizens

The United States Consulate in Jerusalem said in a security message to Americans in Israel that the deadly attack on a Jerusalem synagogue demonstrated “low-level… Read More ›

China is building an island in the South China Sea

China is building an island in the South China Sea that could accommodate the country’s first airstrip in bitterly contested waters, according to satellite images… Read More ›

Obama annouces actions on sweeping US immigration reform

WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama imposed the most sweeping immigration reform in a generation on Thursday, easing the threat of deportation for about 4.7… Read More ›

Israeli CEOs open London Stock Exchange

Israeli CEOs open London Stock Exchange

The London Stock Exchange was today opened by a delegation of chief executives of Israeli companies and UK ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould. The Israeli… Read More ›

Montreal Neighborhood Discusses Succah Restrictions In Public Hearing

Montreal Neighborhood Discusses Succah Restrictions In Public Hearing

Mindy Pollack, a councilor in Montreal, proposed an extension to the time frame allowed by city law regarding succahs.  The current laws allot 15 days… Read More ›

White House Spokesman Said US Has Not Changed Policy On Iran

White House Spokesman Josh Earnest issued a public statement that US policy on Iran has not changed, in response to the report that President Obama… Read More ›