All World News

Jerusalem – Israel Indicts American Over Plot To Assassinate Obama, Bomb Muslims

Jerusalem – Israel Indicts American Over Plot To Assassinate Obama, Bomb Muslims

Jerusalem –  Adam Everett Livvix, who is wanted in the United States for questioning on drug-related charges, was apprehended by Israeli police on November 19.… Read More ›

Deadly storm in Philippines

The deadly storm that battered the Philippines for days weakened Monday as it rumbled from one island to another, moving closer to the densely populated… Read More ›

United Nations- Collaboration Between Israel And Syrian Rebels Revealed By New UN Report

United Nations- Collaboration Between Israel And Syrian Rebels Revealed By New UN Report

United Nations – The Syrian ambassador to the UN has long complained of a Zionist conspiracy to overthrow President Bashar Assad working with the Syrian… Read More ›

Al-Qaida killed a US journalist

Al-Qaida killed a US journalist

Barack Obama said he authorized the attempt to rescue American Luke Somers in Yemen because the U.S. had information that the photojournalist’s life was in… Read More ›

Ashton Carter is a new Pentagon chief

Ashton Carter is a new Pentagon chief

President Barack Obama nominated longtime Defense Department understudy Ashton Carter as his fourth defense secretary on Friday to replace Chuck Hagel, the lone Republican in… Read More ›

George Bush is going to deliver the keynote at Hanukkah dinner

George Bush is going to deliver the keynote at Hanukkah dinner

George W. Bush is expected to deliver the keynote address at Yeshiva University’s 90th Annual Hanukkah Dinner and Convocation on Dec. 14th at the Waldorf-Astoria… Read More ›

Obama has a new ally

Obama has a new ally

President Barack Obama on Friday touted “slow and steady progress” in the fight against Islamic State militants as he committed to increase aid to Jordan,… Read More ›

Paris – Holocaust Deportees To Be Compensated By France

Paris – Holocaust Deportees To Be Compensated By France

Paris – Many Americans and others deported by France’s state rail company SNCF during the Nazi occupation will be entitled to compensation under a new… Read More ›

Romney is running in 2016

Romney is running in 2016

Republican insiders seem convinced that Mitt Romney is running for the third term for president in 2016. Mitt Romney held meetings with donors in New… Read More ›

A massive cleanout in Silicon Valley

Police and social services in Silicon Valley are starting a massive cleanout Thursday of what’s likely the nation’s largest homeless encampment. Animal control and a… Read More ›

Washington – Congress OKs Bill Although Watered Down On US-Israel Ties

Washington – Congress OKs Bill Although Watered Down On US-Israel Ties

Washington -On Wednesday, congress approved legislation deepening U.S.-Israeli cooperation after softening a push to grant Israelis visa-free travel rights to the United States even as… Read More ›

Iranian ambassador’s house was attacked by Al-Qaida

Iranian ambassador’s house was attacked by Al-Qaida

Al-Qaida’s branch in Yemen claimed responsibility for a car bomb attack on the Iranian ambassador’s house in the capital Sanaa on Wednesday that medics said… Read More ›

American teacher stabbed in Abu Dhabi

American teacher stabbed in Abu Dhabi

An American school teacher was stabbed to death in a public restroom at a mall by a suspect wearing the traditional black robe, full-face veil… Read More ›

Two Israeli start-ups are finalists in the iiAwards

Two Israeli start-ups are finalists in the iiAwards

Two Israeli start-ups, Pixoneye and Pzartech, are two of the six super finalists in the iiAwards, a world start-up competition organized by the Paris Region… Read More ›

Pope Francis pledged to end human trafficking

Pope Francis standing next to leaders across the religious spectrum, including his long-time friend Rabbi Abraham Skorka, pledged on Tuesday to end modern day slavery… Read More ›

Washington –  Details On Nazi Benefit Payments Wanted By GOP Senetors

Washington – Details On Nazi Benefit Payments Wanted By GOP Senetors

Washington – Two senior Republican senators are demanding the Obama administration provide Congress with records explaining what roll the justice department played and how suspected… Read More ›

United Nations – UN Resolution: Nuclear Arms Must Be Renounced By Israel

United Nations – UN Resolution: Nuclear Arms Must Be Renounced By Israel

United Nations – The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved an Arab-backed resolution Tuesday calling on Israel to  put its nuclear facilities under international oversight and… Read More ›

Washington – Nazi Benefit Payments Stopped By The House

Washington – Nazi Benefit Payments Stopped By The House

Washington – The House unanimously approved a bill Tuesday that would block suspected Nazi war criminals from receiving Social Security benefits. The measure would shut… Read More ›

Agreement on a $585 billion defense policy bill have been reached

House and Senate negotiators have reached agreement on a $585 billion defense policy bill that provides funds to expand the U.S. mission in Iraq to… Read More ›

Paris – Recognition Of Palestinian State French Vote Urges

Paris – Recognition Of Palestinian State French Vote Urges

Paris – In the hope that it would speed up peace efforts after decades of conflict,  France’s lower house of Parliament voted Tuesday to urge the… Read More ›