JERUSALEM — Fierce fighting broke out in the Jenin refugee camp on Tuesday as IDF special forces surrounded a house where terror suspects were barricaded. At the same time IDF forces were also acting in Shechem to arrest terrorist suspects.
According to Palestinian Authority reports, a force of IDF soldiers, Yamam and undercover agents entered the Jenin refugee camp using a truck and surrounded a building in which wanted terrorists were currently located. The security forces reportedly fired a missile at the building to flush the terrorists out.
Unconfirmed reports say that 4 terrorists have been eliminated, apparently including Abd Al-Fatah Harousha, the terrorist from Hawara who murdered Hallel and Yagel Yaniv HyD. The terrorist’s two sons were arrested in Shechem.
מחבל החמאס עבד אלפתאח חרושה שרצח את הלל ויגל יניב הי"ד בעיירה חווארה חוסל על ידי כוחות צה"ל במקום מסתורו במחנה הפליטים ג'נין.
עושה את דרכו לגיהנום! pic.twitter.com/E2N7lXsey1— יוני בן מנחם yoni ben menachem (@yonibmen) March 7, 2023
כוחות גדולים של הצבא הישראלי, מלווים בדחפור, פושטים ברגעים אלו על מחנה ג'נין. pic.twitter.com/XWS8IAp4CY
— Asslan Khalil (@KhalilAsslan) March 7, 2023
IDF forces entering Jenin
ג'נין כעת… pic.twitter.com/MFVPsOhsp5
— Gere Belik (@gershon27) March 7, 2023
Jenin under fire
Reinforcements entered Jenin as the soldiers came under fire from Islamic Jihad elements in the refugee camp, who also succeeded in shooting down an IDF drone.
In one recording posted to social media, one of the terrorists in the besieged building is allegedly heard saying: “We are under siege, the house we are in is under siege and other houses are also being shot at. Pray for us, we will fight here until our last breath.”
As repoerted by VINnews