Opinion: UN Commission of Inquiry into Human Rights Violations report accuses Israel of violating international law, while ignoring terror and missile attacks aimed against Israeli civilians
You can safely assume that the Palestinian terrorist who carried out a stabbing attack in Jerusalem on Saturday, did not read a report by the UN Commission of Inquiry into Human Rights Violations in the West Bank and Gaza, submitted to the General Assembly last week.
This report, however, is part of an international propaganda meant to do nothing more than demonize Israel, serving no one but terror organizations like Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. If Israel is committing “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity,” as the report says, by defending its people, then by default terror acts aimed against Israelis are justified.

Three “human right activists” and their anti-Israeli lackeys presented the report to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres after a year of “hard work” the committee had done, investigating the alleged crimes.
No Western power supported the committee’s establishment, but the majority vote in the General Assembly allowed for it to be formed.
Unlike other committees in the UN, this one is permanent, meaning it will publish reports annually until it is decommissioned. This provides a great platform and income to the three stooges heading it and to Hamas’ propaganda machine, now being funded by an international organization. We thought the UN was established to fight racism, but it turns out it is now funding it.
The committee’s head, Navi Pillay from South Africa, in the past was a signatory of a petition calling for “sanctions against the apartheid state of Israel.”

The second committee member, Miloon Kothari from India, once said during an interview that “the social media is controlled largely by the Jewish lobby or specific NGOs.”
Kothari also objects to Israel being a member of the UN.
The third member of the committee, Australia’s Christopher Sidoti, is affiliated with an organization supporting the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement.
These three, according to the definition of antisemitism, are antisemites. Hillel Neuer, head of the UN Watch, sent a detailed 30-page report on Pillay’s consistent and extreme anti-Israel stance, but to no avail.
How can Pillay, Kothari and Sidoti be appointed to a committee scrutinizing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Well, everything is possible when it comes to Israel.

The report’s findings correspond well with the views of the three. Gaza, the report reads, is under occupation. The reason? The closure in the border crossings between Gaza and Israel.
Since the committee is working under the UN, the report could have mentioned the offer the UN itself presented to Gaza leaders – open borders in return for adherence to international rules of conduct.
Other offers could’ve also been mentioned, like that of the EU, which offered Hamas a reconstruction of Gaza in exchange for demilitarization. Hamas rejected every one of them. This is the reason the so-called blockade has still not been lifted. The report has no mention of this, it doesn’t need to because it wants to draw a target on Israel.
Hamas, which is undoubtedly happy with the report, is not even mentioned in it. Other words not mentioned in the report include: “Jihad,” “terror” and “rockets”. The committee’s information sources include many radical Israeli far-left organization and outlets, such “B’Tselem” – mentioned 17 times, “Peace Now” – 12 times, and “Haaretz” –
10 times.

Occupation is the report’s focal point, and it is becoming permanent, the authors claim.
Maybe they have a point. But as usual, they ignore every peace offer tabled in front of the Palestinians in recent decades, and no mention of the Palestinians refusing all of these offers.
But not everything in the report is an anti-Israeli propaganda. The criticism against Jewish settlements in the West Bank is justified, but the subject is under great scrutiny inside the Israeli society already. There’s no need for them to take part in it.
Sometimes you need and have to wonder about the ease with which international bodies, among them the UN, cultivate hostile views of Israel, using the excuse of human rights.
This new report sets a new bar.

The report is written in a legal manner, featuring notes and footnotes. Some of its claims are true, but even so they don’t undo the fact that the report sets a new record for incitement against Israel, written by a committee made up of three antisemites.
This is what demonization looks like. This is not the way to achieve peace, this is how a UN committee becomes a propaganda machine for supporters of terrorism.
As reported by Ynetnews