It’s time for all yeshivas and shuls to have a lock-door policy. It does not cost much money, nor does it require special equipment.
It is fast and simple to set up, and the only thing required is that it be strictly enforced at all times.
It’s well-established by security experts that attackers choose the path of least resistance. A locked door can be enough of a deterrent to save lives.
On Yom Kippur in 2019 in Halle, Germany, a violent gunman attempted to enter a synagogue. He was unsuccessful, partially because the door was locked. He live-streamed himself trying, and failing, to enter. The gunman shot at the door’s lock repeatedly and set off an explosive but the door was not breached. The terrorist killed multiple people outside the shul, but thankfully those inside were safe.
Conduct a simple experiment. Try to enter your child’s yeshiva through a side or back door, without being noticed. If you can enter, then an attacker can enter as well, and the yeshiva is a soft target.
In our experience, although many institutions have a lock-door policy, a large number of yeshivas and shuls are soft-targets that can be easily breached. Thousands of students and congregants are sitting ducks. If one crazy person decides to enter and start shooting, it could be disastrous.
You may be thinking, “What are the chances?” But if Chas v’Shalom the unthinkable happens, people will be thinking “If only…”
It’s an easy fix, and while it does not make the building invincible, it can certainly help, with minimal sacrifice.
Just last week in Toronto a man was riding his bicycle through a yeshiva property when he was confronted by students.
This individual reportedly returned a little while later and started yelling at the students. Police said he also made antisemitic comments. Yeshiva staff then confronted the man and a physical confrontation broke out during which a staff member was threatened and assaulted.
Baruch Hashem that frightening incident had a relatively innocuous ending. Sadly, there are many crazy people, and antisemitism has become an increasing trend.
We are pleading with you. It’s time for all parents and shul members to demand from Menahelim and Rabbonim a lock-door policy. And it needs to be enforced at all times.
It may be inconvenient. It may be annoying. But isn’t it worth it to protect your family’s lives?
There is no excuse, and the feeling of regret if the unthinkable happens, asking oneself “Why didn’t we just do more?” is something that nobody should ever experience.
As reported by Vos Iz Neias