After putting his bone marrow on a national registry, New Yorker Peter Schottenfeld was called upon to save the life of Israeli Eti Brazilai; two met for the first time this week; Schottenfeld: ‘I would do it again without hesitation.’
Peter Schottenfeld, a 30-year-old Airbnb employee from New York, had his life orever change when two years ago he was informed by the “Gift of Life” organization that he had the ability save the life of Eti Brazilai, 58, from Ramat Gan, Israel.
Peter originally arrived in Israel in 2007 to take part in a “Birthright- Israel” tour and was asked – as are all Birthright participants – if he would like to give a bone marrow sample. His sample, together with hundreds of thousands of other samples from young Jews from around the world, are entered into the organization’s registry, so that if a match is found they can make a lifesaving bone marrow donation.

“When I first heard that my bone marrow was a match for a donor, I was surprised and felt really fortunate” says Schottenfeld. “The donation was very simple process. I just sat and watched a movie. It was painless, like giving blood. I would do it again without hesitation.”
Schottenfeld visited Israel to meet Eti for the first time earlier this week. “When I first signed up to go on a Birthright trip I was looking forward to an experience that would connect me with Judaism, with our heritage, and to travel to Israel for the first time. I never could have imagined that things would have turned out as they did, and that through Birthright-Israel, I would get to save a life. The entire experience strengthened my identity as a Jew,” he said.
“I feel fortunate to have gained a new family and an unbreakable bond with the people of Israel” Peter continued.

Eti added: “My life changed when I was diagnosed with acute leukemia, and I was reborn one year later when I received my bone marrow transplant. I got a second chance at life. There are not many opportunities like this during our lifetime. I am grateful to Peter and the wonderful people of Gift of Life and Birthright who are doing a holy job.”
Through Birthright’s collaboration with “Gift of Life”, 180 participants have been matched with donors, thereby saving peoples’ lives who are dealing with life-threatening illnesses.
As reported by Ynetnews