Education Minister Naftali Bennett orders hearing of a principal in an East Jerusalem high school over her uploading of inciting content to Facebook; Palestinian soccer team manager arrested for suspected support of terror.
Education Minister Naftali Bennett has instructed his Chief of Staff to set the wheels in motion for a hearing of a principal of a high school in East Jerusalem which is funded by his ministry after she shared pictures on her Facebook account which could amount to incitement.
The pictures she uploaded showed dead babies with the caption “Bank of aims of the Israeli war machines” next to accompanying images of so-called martyrs.

The Ministry of Education recently received word of the inflammatory upload from an education official affiliated with the school who reported that she had incited her students during school activities. Another report that the same principal shared on her account content inciting against Israel is currently being checked.
The instructions come shortly after the police arrested 55-year-old Maher abu Snina, a Palestinian soccer coach residing in East Jerusalem on suspicion of incitement and support for terrorist activities against Jews.
The arrest, made on the eve of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot (Sunday), was carried out after players of the Hilal Al-Quds soccer team were photographed with Snina while holding up a placard praising the terrorist Masbah Abu Sabih—the 40-year-old Arab-Israeli who shot and killed Levana Malihi and Yossi Kirma in a terror attack in Jerusalem’s Ammunition Hill last week.

Snina’s arrest was extended until Thursday on suspicion of incitement and supporting terror organizations.
As reported by Ynetnews