For the first time ever, the US Republican Party is holding field activities in Israel hoping to convince the 350,000 eligible voters here to register and vote for their candidate in November.
The US presidential race has not skipped over Israel: For the first time ever, the Republican Party will hold field activities in Israel, hoping to convince the hundreds of thousands of eligible voters in the Jewish State to vote for Donald Trump come November.
The Republican Party’s slogan in Israel is “Trump—In Israel’s Interests.” The logo, written in Hebrew but designed in the spirit of the American theme, conveys a clear message: He’s addressing the Israel-American audience, most of whom lean towards the right and who tend to vote based on the candidates’ stance on Israel.
According to estimates, there are some 350,000 eligible US voters living in Israel. Nearly half of them were born in the country or immigrated at a very young age. This time, the Republicans have decided to add to their traditional Anglophone campaign one in Hebrew.

The campaign staff have decided to focus their efforts on shopping centers in towns with large concentrations of American immigrants, including Jerusalem, Modi’in, Ra’anana, Beit Shemesh, Gush Etzion, Haifa and Be’er Sheva. They intend to erect stands with American Republican representatives alongside Israeli volunteers and will distribute information, hold discussions with potential voters and help them to register for absentee ballots.
In preparation for the field work, led by Republicans Overseas Israel Co-Chair Marc Zell, the US Trump campaign has sent a large shipment of shirts, hats, stickers and buttons bearing Republican slogans.
As reported by Ynetnews