With a majority of two against one, the High Court rejected the appeal that argued that the Shas leader’s criminal record from the 1980s as interior minister disqualifies him from serving once again in that position.
The High Court ruled Sunday, with a majority of two against one, that there is no reason to reject the appointment of Shas leader Aryeh Deri to the post of interior minister.
The High Court ruled following an appeal that it has not been proven that “a clear and direct connection between Deri’s crimes committed in the past, according the nature and essence, and the position of Interior Minister specifically, exist except for their being the same position.”

The petitioners argued that Deri’s criminal record from the 1980s when he served as interior minister lead to him being unqualified to return to serve in that same position. The High Court, as mentioned, rejected this argument.
Justice Salim Jubran, who headed the panel, added that the judges were updated about the investigation being conducted today against Deri, however the petition dealt with his criminal past and therefore it is not relevant to the case.
Justice Neal Hendel, who was the minority opinion, held that Deri’s appointment as Interior Minister should be annulled. The judge noted that the strength of the lack of reasonableness is due to the severe absence of integrity, and therefore had his opinion been accepted Deri’s appointment would have been annulled.
As reported by Ynetnews