54 passengers were injured in total when an Egged bus of the 101 line in Haifa collided with a wall inside the Carmel Tunnels. Two are critically injured, two very severely, 11 more severely.
Magen David Adom (MDA) reports that a bus full of passengers apparently collided with a wall inside the Carmel Tunnels in Haifa while heading north. 54passengers apparently sustained injuries. Four people appear to have been very severely-to-critically injured, 11 others were severely injured, one was in moderate-to-severe conditon, five passengers were moderately injured, and the others were injured lightly.

An initial inquiry indicates that the bus driver veered off course for an unknown reason. In addition, the involvement of a nearby truck in the accident is being examined. All of the injured parties were extracted from he bus and evacuated to Haifa hospitals. The Carmel Tunnels have been closed three times in the past two weeks because of accidents.
As reported by Ynetnews