Following prime minister’s statement that German Chancellor Angela Merkel ‘reformed’ her positions on Palestinian issue, Merkel’s party responds that ‘the only solution to the conflict is the two-state solution’.
Senior German officials have accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of distorting German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s positions on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, newspaper Die Welt reported on Sunday. The report emphasized that German officials “were surprised by what he said.”
Two weeks ago, Netanyahu and Merkel met in Berlin to discuss a number of issues. At the conclusion of their meeting, the two leaders held a press conference, in which Merkel commented on the two-state solution.
“The EU and Germany are aware of the terror threat Israel faces,” said Merkel. “But we believe that advancing the peace process based on the two-state solution is important. We believe that progress towards coexistence, based on the two-state solution, is possible. Of course, this is not the time for a comprehensive solution, but progress and improvements in specific areas can be achieved.”

She added that Berlin “will be ready to aid progress on different economic projects that will help the two-state solution.”
After his return from Germany, Netanyahu said that the chancellor had reformed her positions and that her words represent “a more realistic approach to the situation in our region and between us and the Palestinians.” He commented further: “I remember when I made these statements a year ago and everyone came out against me. Today, I hear the same statements from world leaders including Obama and the German chancellor, who understand what practically can be done at the moment.”
Merkel’s Bureau was very surprised by Netanyahu’s statements because there was no actual change in her position on the Palestinian issue and that she had emphasized this in her discussion with Netanyahu.
Roderich Kiesewetter, a parliamentarian from Merkel’s party, accused Netanyahu distorting the Chancellor’s words: “He cannot use his visit to his best friend in the EU to misrepresent the German position.” Kiesewetter wrote on his Twitter account: “We continue to support the two-state solution as the way to resolve the conflict.”
Another senior official in Merkel’s party said: “This harmed Israeli-German relations.”
Members of Merkel’s coalition added to the criticism against Netanyahu. A Social Democratic party spokesperson said: “The position of coalition parties is clear: The only solution to the conflict is the two-state solution.”
As reported by Ynetnews