Alexanda Kotey, part of an ISIS gang dubbed ‘The Beatles’ for their thick British accents, joined controversial British MP George Galloway on trip to the Gaza Strip in 2009.

A member of ISIS’s “Beatles” band of executioners once participated in a humanitarian convoy to Gaza, the Washington Post reported on Monday.

Alexanda Kotey, 32, was part of the beheader convoy to Gaza sponsored by British MP George Galloway, who is known for vehemently attacking Israel.

Kotey was a member of the gang dubbed by media outlets as “The Beatles,” which became famous for appearing in horrific beheading videos.

Kotey. Spoke in praise of suicide bombings
Kotey. Spoke in praise of suicide bombings


Kotey grew up in West London and converted to Islam in his early 20s after he met a Muslim woman with whom he had two children. He used to visit the al-Manar Mosque, the mosque where Mohammed Emwazi, also known as “Jihadi John,” used to pray. Emwazi died in a November targeted killing in Raqqa.

Kotey’s friends say that he used to speak in praise of suicide attacks.

According to the Washington Post, Kotey left Britain in 2009 while he was on a humanitarian convoy that allegedly had 110 vehicles heading to the Gaza Strip in order to raise awareness of alleged Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.

Before the convoy left, several of its members were arrested in Britain. MP Galloway, who led the convoy, claimed at the time that this was harassment. It was later discovered that the convoy did have a few Muslim extremists, including Kotey.

It is unclear when Kotey reached Syria, but he eventully linked up with other British Islamic extremists, which included Emwezi. The Western POWs they were holding gave them the nickname “The Beatles” because of their heavy British accents. All prisoners testified that out of all the members of ISIS that they met, the members of the British “Beatles Gang” were the most vicious.

As reported by Ynetnews