Washington – US President Barack Obama would normally expect a warm welcome from gay rights activists, particularly in his own home at the White House, but that was not the case Wednesday.
Hosting a reception to observe LGBT Pride Month in the East Room, Obama was repeatedly interrupted by persistent shouts from a member of the audience, prompting a few awkward minutes before the president instructed the individual be ejected.
“Listen, you are in my house,” said a finger-waging Obama, as the person could be heard to shout about deportations in English and Spanish.
“You know what, it is not respectful” Obama added. “You’re not going to get a good response from me by interrupting me like this.”
When it became clear the protester would not stop, Obama said, “Shame on you,” adding, “You shouldn’t be doing this,” before asking security to “escort this person out.”
The crowd chanted “O-Ba-Ma!” to drown out the shouts.
A visibly angry Obama joked with the crowd: “As a general rule I am just fine with a few hecklers. But not when I’m up in the house.”
As reported by Vos Iz Neias