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Shiite Cleric Yasser Habib: In Order to Destroy ISIS, We Must Do Away with Caliphs Abu Bakr and Omar

Shiite Cleric Yasser Habib: In Order to Destroy ISIS, We Must Do Away with Caliphs Abu Bakr and Omar

Saudi Scholar Sami Habib: Israel Is Responsible for 9/11

Saudi Scholar Sami Habib: Israel Is Responsible for 9/11

Syrian Refugees Breakdance on the Streets of Beirut

Syrian Refugees Breakdance on the Streets of Beirut

Call from Al-Aqsa Mosque to Sever Economic Ties with China

Call from Al-Aqsa Mosque to Sever Economic Ties with China

Archival – Kuwaiti Cleric Yasser Al-Habib Provokes Sunnis: The Caliph Omar Wished He Were Shit

Archival – Kuwaiti Cleric Yasser Al-Habib Provokes Sunnis: The Caliph Omar Wished He Were Shit

Egyptian Tycoon Naguib Sawiris Supports Importing Natural Gas from Israel

Egyptian Tycoon Naguib Sawiris Supports Importing Natural Gas from Israel

Debate on Saudi Women Driving: Rate of Rape, Fornication, Divorce Would Rise

Debate on Saudi Women Driving: Rate of Rape, Fornication, Divorce Would Rise

Retired Lebanese General: ISIS an American-British-Israeli Conspiracy

Retired Lebanese General: ISIS an American-British-Israeli Conspiracy

Archival – Three-Year-Old Egyptian Girl: Jews Are Apes and Pigs

Archival – Three-Year-Old Egyptian Girl: Jews Are Apes and Pigs

Dr. ‘Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: Neil Armstrong Proved that Mecca is the Center of the World

Dr. ‘Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: Neil Armstrong Proved that Mecca is the Center of the World

Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowment: Zionism Sponsors Homosexuality, Atheism in Egypt

Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowment: Zionism Sponsors Homosexuality, Atheism in Egypt

Egyptian TV Host Supports Prison Sentence for Homosexuals

Egyptian TV Host Supports Prison Sentence for Homosexuals

Wagdi Ghoneim Criticizes Ghannouchi: Tunisian Secularists the Filthiest I’ve Seen

Wagdi Ghoneim Criticizes Ghannouchi: Tunisian Secularists the Filthiest I’ve Seen

Syrian Child Preacher Curses Obama, Vows: We Will Conquer the Arabian Peninsula, Kill Its Leaders

Syrian Child Preacher Curses Obama, Vows: We Will Conquer the Arabian Peninsula, Kill Its Leaders

Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban: Yes to Dialogue with ISIS, No to Fighting It

Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban: Yes to Dialogue with ISIS, No to Fighting It

Raed Salah: Jerusalem Will Be the Capital of the Global Caliphate

Raed Salah: Jerusalem Will Be the Capital of the Global Caliphate

Iranian Analyst: We Sell Arms to European Countries

Iranian Analyst: We Sell Arms to European Countries

Reactions on Egyptian TV to Sinai Terror Attacks: We Want to See Blood, Executions, Corpses!

Reactions on Egyptian TV to Sinai Terror Attacks: We Want to See Blood, Executions, Corpses!

British Cleric Warns Women from Marrying Mujahideen: It’s a Scam. You Will Be Raped and Kidnapped

British Cleric Warns Women from Marrying Mujahideen: It’s a Scam. You Will Be Raped and Kidnapped

Coptic Pope Tawadros II: Islamic Terrorism Created by the West

Coptic Pope Tawadros II: Islamic Terrorism Created by the West