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Jerusalem – President Rivlin Tells Arab Journalists: We Must Be Israelis Not Jews Or Arabs

Jerusalem – President Rivlin Tells Arab Journalists: We Must Be Israelis Not Jews Or Arabs

  Jerusalem – President Reuven Rivlin on Monday night hosted Arab notables at an Iftar dinner at his official residence.  In addition to Members of… Read More ›

Berlin – Germany’s Der Spiegel Files Criminal Charges For US Spying

Berlin – Germany’s Der Spiegel Files Criminal Charges For US Spying

  Berlin – German news magazine Der Spiegel has filed charges and demanded an investigation into alleged spying by the US intelligence community and a… Read More ›

ISIS video shows execution of 25 men in ruins of Syria amphitheater

ISIS video shows execution of 25 men in ruins of Syria amphitheater

  Atlanta – A just-released video from ISIS shows militants executing 25 captives in the ruins of a Roman amphitheater in the ancient Syrian city of… Read More ›

‘Excited’ Pope Francis lands in Ecuador, praises the nation’s ‘singular beauty’

‘Excited’ Pope Francis lands in Ecuador, praises the nation’s ‘singular beauty’

  Welcomed by a youth orchestra, local dignitaries and a whipping wind that carried away his white skullcap, Pope Francis landed in Quito, Ecuador on… Read More ›

Russian spacecraft filled with crew supplies docks at space station

Russian spacecraft filled with crew supplies docks at space station

  After a series of failed resupply missions, the International Space Station finally got a load of supplies on Sunday when a Russian spacecraft filled… Read More ›

Netanyahu: Western powers ‘collapsed’ in nuclear talks

Netanyahu: Western powers ‘collapsed’ in nuclear talks

PM says emerging Iran deal is worse than the agreement with North Korea, which went on to produce atomic arsenal   Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu… Read More ›

‘Now is the time’ for nuclear deal, world powers warn Iran

‘Now is the time’ for nuclear deal, world powers warn Iran

Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair urges Kerry to take his time, make sure red lines not crossed in final agreement   Global powers upped the… Read More ›

Israel gears up to battle Iran deal in Congress

Israel gears up to battle Iran deal in Congress

Many in Jerusalem think efforts to block accord are a lost cause as world powers prepare to resume substantial economic dealings with Tehran   Israel… Read More ›

State to Supreme Court: Give Olmert more prison time

State to Supreme Court: Give Olmert more prison time

State Attorney says that due to lenient punishment in the Talansky affair, former prime minister should be sentenced to firm prison time in the Investment… Read More ›

Greeks defy Europe with overwhelming referendum ‘No’

Greeks defy Europe with overwhelming referendum ‘No’

With nearly half of the votes counted, 61% reject European bailout offer, leaving Greece in risk of financial and political isolation within the euro zone,… Read More ›

Israeli-Egyptian coordination is working, but it’s not enough

Israeli-Egyptian coordination is working, but it’s not enough

Analysis: Officials in Cairo and in Jerusalem voiced the same mantra over the weekend: It’s not ISIS, it’s Hamas which is insisting on rocking Egypt.… Read More ›

US public opinion expert: Iran deal can still be stopped

US public opinion expert: Iran deal can still be stopped

“It would require the most efficient, effective and unified PR campaign in my lifetime.”   If the American people vigorously oppose the Iran nuclear agreement… Read More ›

Hoenlein: France is reconsidering Security Council resolution

Hoenlein: France is reconsidering Security Council resolution

US Jewish leader says valid to criticize American Jewry, comes out against ‘character assassination’ of Oren.   France is having second thoughts about submitting a… Read More ›

Al-Quds Brigade builds watch tower directly across IDF structure on Gaza border

Al-Quds Brigade builds watch tower directly across IDF structure on Gaza border

From the the tower, as seen in the pictures the group provided, IDF structures were visible, as well as an IDF jeep patrolling the border.… Read More ›

Anti-Jewish protest in London fizzles

Anti-Jewish protest in London fizzles

Around 25 right-wing extremists far outnumbered by counter-demonstrators.   LONDON – The “Anti-Jewification” protest originally planned to be held in one of London’s Jewish community’s… Read More ›

Israel angrily warns powers caving to Iran in nuke talks

Israel angrily warns powers caving to Iran in nuke talks

Concessions growing, will allow Tehran to build nuclear arsenal even if it does keep to deal, officials in Jerusalem say   Jerusalem reacted furiously over… Read More ›

This Republican presidential candidate has the sickest Donald Trump burn yet

This Republican presidential candidate has the sickest Donald Trump burn yet

  Next in line to denounce Donald Trump? Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina). Trump has been the subject of intense criticism from both parties after… Read More ›

China is taking extraordinary steps to ensure its reign over the South China Sea

China is taking extraordinary steps to ensure its reign over the South China Sea

  HONG KONG/MANILA (Reuters) – China’s claims to the disputed South China Sea will come under international legal scrutiny for the first time this week,… Read More ›

Switching to the drachma will be a nightmare for Greece

Switching to the drachma will be a nightmare for Greece

  Switching back to the drachma would be chaotic if Greece has to ditch euros. The country will hold a crucial referendum on Sunday. Millions of… Read More ›

Vienna – Draft Accords Of Sanctions Relief At Iran Nuke Talks In Hand

Vienna – Draft Accords Of Sanctions Relief At Iran Nuke Talks In Hand

  Vienna – World powers and Iran have drawn up a draft document on the pace and timing of sanctions relief for the Islamic republic… Read More ›