World Jewish News

Paris – Recognition Of Palestinian State French Vote Urges

Paris – Recognition Of Palestinian State French Vote Urges

Paris – In the hope that it would speed up peace efforts after decades of conflict,  France’s lower house of Parliament voted Tuesday to urge the… Read More ›

New York – CDC:  Benefits Outweigh Risks In Circumcision

New York – CDC: Benefits Outweigh Risks In Circumcision

New York – U.S. health officials on Tuesday released a draft of long-awaited federal guidelines on circumcision, saying medical evidence supports having the procedure done… Read More ›

Jerusalem – As Elections Appear Imminent, Israeli Prime Minister Fires Senior Government Ministers

Jerusalem – As Elections Appear Imminent, Israeli Prime Minister Fires Senior Government Ministers

Jerusalem – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  on Tuesday ordered the dismissal of his Finance and Justice ministers. and said he would dissolve parliament and seek… Read More ›

Tel Aviv – Shekel At Two-Year Low! Israel Markets Drop On Election Talk

Tel Aviv – Shekel At Two-Year Low! Israel Markets Drop On Election Talk

Tel Aviv – Israeli financial markets fell on Tuesday, as new elections appeared inevitable. with the shekel sliding 1.3 percent to a two-year low against the… Read More ›

Tel Aviv – Report: Mystery Civilian Plan Flying  Between Israel, Gulf State, Permenently

Tel Aviv – Report: Mystery Civilian Plan Flying Between Israel, Gulf State, Permenently

Tel Aviv – At Ben Gurion airport  a civilian plane has been tracked on a permanent flight path back and forth between Israel and an… Read More ›

Jews and Muslims can be friends

Jews and Muslims can be friends

This past summer, Armin Langer, a 24-year-old rabbinical student in Berlin, came to speak at the Sehitlik mosque in Neukoelln, a district of the German… Read More ›

Egypt –  Hijack Planned Of  Israeli Ship By Islamic State

Egypt – Hijack Planned Of Israeli Ship By Islamic State

Egypt – An investigation in Egypt is underway into a November 14 incident during which Islamic State members successfully hijacked an Egyptian missile boat. According… Read More ›

Kobani, Syria – Reportedly Captured By ISIS AN Israeli-Canadian Makes Contact

Kobani, Syria – Reportedly Captured By ISIS AN Israeli-Canadian Makes Contact

Kobani, Syria – A Canadian Israeli woman who was rumored to be captured by ISIS forces in Syria posted on her Facebook page on Monday… Read More ›

Amsterdam – Investigation Continues As Rabbi Eliezer Berland Not Extradited To Israel

Amsterdam – Investigation Continues As Rabbi Eliezer Berland Not Extradited To Israel

Amsterdam – Rabbi Eliezer Berland, who is accused of abuse, will not be extradited to Israel from the Netherlands as the case continues to be… Read More ›

Putin is super friendly with the leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch

Putin is super friendly with the leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch

Although Russia has historically not been considered the most hospitable place for Jews who wish to observe their religion – and the Russian Orthodox church… Read More ›

A Bavarian doctor confirmed as the new head of Germany’s Jewish organization

A Bavarian doctor confirmed as the new head of Germany’s Jewish organization

Josef Schuster was elected Sunday after standing unopposed for the presidency of Germany’s Central Council of Jews. The 60-year-old was born in Haifa, Israel, and… Read More ›

Plaque still honors Ponzi schemer at center for Jewish history

Plaque still honors Ponzi schemer at center for Jewish history

The name of the most reviled member of the American Jewish community hangs in a place of honor in the lobby of the Center for… Read More ›

More than a thousand families evicted by the Gaza border

More than a thousand families evicted by the Gaza border

Egypt has forcibly evicted an estimated 1,165 families in Rafah so that it can clear a buffer zone by the Gaza border, charged the human… Read More ›

Mubarak claims: “I did nothing wrong”

Mubarak claims: “I did nothing wrong”

Mubarak acquitted under new President Morsi after two revolutions in Egypt. After being ousted once then overthrown, then ousted again, Egypt is going back to… Read More ›

Many French Jews flock to Montreal

Many French Jews flock to Montreal

When Dan Charbit and his wife, Gaelle Hazan, moved to Montreal from Paris two summers ago, it was meant to be a temporary fix —… Read More ›

Two masters of Physics who escaped the Nazis

Two masters of Physics who escaped the Nazis

In his 1998 play “Copenhagen,” Michael Frayn used the Heisenberg uncertainty principle — a cornerstone of modern physics — as a metaphor for the impossibility… Read More ›

Gadi Eizenkot will be the next chief of the IDF’s General Staff

Gadi Eizenkot will be the next chief of the IDF’s General Staff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Eizenkot on Friday morning to deliver the news. Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon also spoke to Eizenkot on Friday, the… Read More ›

IDF Chief Rabbi Made A True Statement

IDF Chief Rabbi Made A True Statement

The chief rabbi of the Israel Defense Forces, Brigadier General Rafi Peretz, said during a lecture to seminary students in early November that the Temple… Read More ›

Debate at the Oxford Union on Israel versus Hamas

Debate at the Oxford Union on Israel versus Hamas

Oxford, England, 5 am – I’m trying to get two hours sleep tonight prior to my flight back to America, but cannot. I am supercharged… Read More ›

Chabad Harassment Goes Viral

Chabad Harassment Goes Viral

We don’t know if this is staged or not, or a big joke. You decide.