Terrorist attack at Damascus gate
Terrorist attack at Damascus gate. (photo credit:MEDABRIM TIKSHORET)


“Silence is filth,” the Revisionist Zionism movement’s founder Ze’ev Jabotinsky said.

His disciples in the government today, the most prominent being Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are doing everything they can to fulfill his words.

Over the weekend, there were at least five incidents of terrorism – four in the Hebron area and one in east Jerusalem. Three Palestinians were killed and a few more were wounded. Several IDF soldiers were lightly wounded.

The attacks came after a period of relative quiet that developed into an illusion, as if the Palestinians were coming to terms with the occupation; patronizing treatment by settlers; and day to day life in economic distress.

With the current wave of violence marking its first anniversary, the State of Israel has received a reminder that this situation is going nowhere – only the details of the attacks vary from time to time.Now, fear is mounting that with the holiday month of Tishrei starting in less than two weeks, the wave of terrorism may intensify.

According to the IDF, which keeps almost 40% of its manpower in the West Bank, decided Saturday night to reinforce its presence by sending an additional battalion to the Hebron region. Further assessment of the situation will take place in the next few days and may point to additional reinforcements. As is done every year, the crossings between Israel and the Palestinian Authority will be closed during the High Holy Days.

The attacks over the weekend carry the characteristics of the current terrorism wave: “lone wolves,” young terrorists and weapons that can be found anywhere, such as a knife or cars. The only anomaly is the attack on Friday at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem.

That attack was carried out by Saeed Amro, a young Jordanian who received a visa to enter Israel from the Israeli Embassy in Amman. He entered the country three days ago, made his way to Jerusalem and ran with two knives toward border police officers shouting “Allahu akbar” and attempted to stab one of them. Amro failed and the officers open fire, killing him.

The Jordanian government condemned Israel and labeled the police reaction “a barbaric act.”

This is the second incident in the past two weeks in which young Jordanians have come to Israel and are suspected of terrorism. The first infiltrated the border in the Jordan Valley and attacked a woman driving her car. That assailant was labeled as mentally unstable.

This may mean Israel will find itself in a crisis with the Hashemite regime.

Meanwhile, Israeli security forces have confirmed that the Palestinian Authority is not initiating the attacks and the PA security services are continuing to work with the IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) to thwart and investigate attacks.

But the IDF also believes that, without diplomatic progress, there is no chance of the violence ceasing. This, however, conflicts with the approach of Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, who only believe in economic gestures such as settling the PA debt to the Israel Electric Corporation, but refuse to initiate diplomatic moves.

As reported by The Jerusalem Post