Beit shemesh municipality workers take down modesty signs in the city of Beit Shemesh, December 11, 2017. Photo by Yaakov Lederman/Flash90
Beit shemesh municipality workers take down modesty signs in the city of Beit Shemesh, December 11, 2017. Photo by Yaakov Lederman/Flash90


Israel – Following a threat to lock up senior officials in the Beit Shemesh municipality for contempt of court, officials from the municipal authority began removing so-called modesty signs from radical neighborhoods in the city on Monday morning.

Large numbers of police personnel are present in the area to protect the municipal workers from potentially violent extremist Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) men who have gathered to protest the removal of the signs, and who have tried to block roads in the vicinity.

Cranes were brought in to remove one of the most prominent signs on the Nahar Hayarden street but, somewhat ingeniously, the radicals who had placed the sign in the first place had apparently taken the trouble to spray paint warnings directly on the wall of the building for women to dress in accordance with the strictures of the neighborhood, and then placed the sign over it.

So when the sign was removed, the words “Passage [through the neighborhood] is only with modest clothing” were plainly visible for all to see.

The signs, which tell women to dress in a conservative fashion so as not to offend the sensitivities of the residents, are the subject of a long-running legal battle between anti-extremist activists in the city and the ultra-conservative members of the radical Haredi neighborhoods of Beit Shemesh.

Activists challenged the legality of the signs in court, leading to several rulings by the magistrates court, district court and ultimately the Supreme Court ordering the Beit Shemesh municipality to remove the offending signs.

Police guard as Beit shemesh municipality workers take down modesty signs in the city of Beit Shemesh, December 11, 2017. Photo by Yaakov Lederman/Flash90
Police guard as Beit shemesh municipality workers take down modesty signs in the city of Beit Shemesh, December 11, 2017. Photo by Yaakov Lederman/Flash90


The municipality did remove the signs on several occasions but they were quickly replaced.

Ultimately, the Supreme Court in September upheld a fine of NIS 5,000 per day against the Beit Shemesh municipality imposed by the Jerusalem District Court earlier this year for contempt of court in failing to permanently remove the signs.

Last week, the Supreme Court gave a final ultimatum for the Beit Shemesh municipal authority to remove the signs by December 18.

The neighborhood in question, Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet, is home to some of the most radical elements in the Haredi community who take a militant position on what is considered modest attire for women.

Non-Haredi women have said they are afraid to enter the neighborhood, and those who do report being spat on, cursed, and otherwise harassed. IDF soldiers entering the neighborhood have also been subject to severe harassment and intimidation.

A spokesman for the Beit Shemesh municipal authority said that six of the eight signs ordered removed by the court had been taken down on Monday, at a cost of NIS 50,000.

He also noted that another of the signs removed on Nahar Hayarden had already been physically replaced, but that the police had decided not to remove it again due to violent disturbances from Haredi radicals who had gathered at the site.

Beit Shemesh Mayor Moshe Abutbul said that the signs have already been removed and replaced several times, and that the city’s security service did not have the capabilities to carry out an a removal operation every day and that neither did the city have the finances to pay for such operations.

Abutbul therefore called on the police to enforce the court order, stating that “this is its purpose, and it has the capability and the required operational capacity [for the task].”

Police arrest an Ultra orthodox Jewish man while Beit shemesh municipality workers take down modesty signs in the city of Beit Shemesh, December 11, 2017. Photo by Yaakov Lederman/Flash90
Police arrest an Ultra orthodox Jewish man while Beit shemesh municipality workers take down modesty signs in the city of Beit Shemesh, December 11, 2017. Photo by Yaakov Lederman/Flash90


As reported by Vos Iz Neias