Obama said the choice between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump becomes particularly clear when considering national security matters.
PHILADELPHIA – The 2016 presidential election is not about Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative policies, but about the “American experiment of self-government”– democracy itself, US President Barack Obama told the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night.
The speech outlined a “big choice” before the American people come November– an atypical election between liberal democratic ideals and a dangerous, illiberal demagogue.
“Our power doesn’t come from some self-declared savior promising that he alone can restore order,” he added. “We don’t look to be ruled.”
Obama said the choice between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump becomes particularly clear when considering national security matters.
The president has said that no candidate has ever been more qualified than Clinton to run for the Oval Office. Earlier on Wednesday night, Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden, said that Trump is the least prepared candidate ever– of any major political party.
“I’m asking you to join me– to reject cynicism, reject fear, to summon what’s best in us,” Obama concluded, “to elect Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States, and show the world we still believe in the promise of this great nation.”