A new archive full of pictures of Jerusalem from over 100 years ago has been reopened. Here is a selection of some of them.

Not long ago we published pictures of Tel Avivians surviving winterthroughout the years, and before that, how Tel Avivians beat the heat.

This time, we get to see Jerusalem from 100 years ago. Elkana Steinmetz, marketing director of The Society for the Restoration and Development of the Jewish Quarter opened up his archive and showed us some real treasures.

“We hadn’t done much with the pictures until today,” Steinmetz said in an interview with Ynet. “But now, because of the ‘old-new’ picture trend, we took these pictures out.”

British soldiers at a synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in the 1920's at the beginning of the British Mandate Period (Photo: The Society for the Reconstruction and Developement of the Jewish Quarter)
British soldiers at a synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in the 1920’s at the beginning of the British Mandate Period (Photo: The Society for the Reconstruction and Developement of the Jewish Quarter)
Stairs to the roof of the Hurva synagogue(Photo: The Society for the Reconstruction and Developement of the Jewish Quarter)
Stairs to the roof of the Hurva synagogue(Photo: The Society for the Reconstruction and Developement of the Jewish Quarter)
Aaron Frieman on the roof of the Hurva synagogue, 1940's, Jerusalem (Photo: The Society for the Reconstruction and Developement of the Jewish Quarter)
Aaron Frieman on the roof of the Hurva synagogue, 1940’s, Jerusalem (Photo: The Society for the Reconstruction and Developement of the Jewish Quarter)
Jews at the Rothchild House before being driven out by the Jordanian Army, 1948
Jews at the Rothchild House before being driven out by the Jordanian Army, 1948
Holy Ark at the Hurva synagogue, 1864
Holy Ark at the Hurva synagogue, 1864
Entrance gate to shelters in the Old City of Jerusalem,1967
Entrance gate to shelters in the Old City of Jerusalem,1967


Among the pictures in the archive, one can see images of children of the Frieman family on the balcony of the synagogue in the Jewish quarter with a spectacular view of Jerusalem in the background, pictures of Yitzhak Rabin in the city, pictures of the holy ark of the Hurva synagogue, and more.

According to Steinmetz, the pictures helps during the renovation of old buildings in the city by enabling the architects learn about the building and see how it was designed when it was first built.

As reported by Ynetnews