Jerusalem – A woman detonated an explosive and lightly injured a police officer at the A-Zaim checkpoint on the road between Ma’aleh Adumim and Jerusalem on Sunday.
The terrorist was seriously injured in the attack and was evacuated to hospital in Jerusalem.
Police said a traffic police officer stopped the driver, who he thought was driving suspiciously, and approached the car to stop at the side of the road and then walked over to question her, the car exploded.
“The driver shouted ‘Allah Hu Akbar’ (God is great) and detonated an explosive device,” a police spokeswoman said.
The incident followed a surge since last week in Palestinian attacks on Israelis, mostly with crude weapons like knives and rocks, and a crackdown by Israeli security forces. Four Israelis and 24 Palestinians have been killed in 11 days of violence.
As reported by Vos Iz Neias