BORO PARK — In what has become an all too familiar scenario in New York, multiple Hasidic Jews were attacked on the streets of Boro Park Friday night.

The first attack occured at approximately midnight on New Utrecht Avenue and 53rd Street. Two Hasidic boys were walking down the street, when a vehicle stops next to them. A few men jump out of the vehicle and begic chasing them down. Luckily the boys managed to escape them. The men then jump back into their vehicle and flee the scene. This attack was caught on film.

Next, the same group of attackers drove to 48th Street in the area of the Bobover Bais Medrash, where they encountered a Hasidic man walking. They punched the man from inside the vehicle, and once again fled the scene. This attack was caught on film as well.

According to reports, 2 other Hasidic victims were punched as well that night, one on 14th Avenue and 51st Street, and the other on 14th Avenue and 55th Street.

In a time when anti-Semitism is on the rise and attacks on Jews are becoming more and more frequent, Jews in NYC are left wondering when authorities will exercise the law to crack down on these lawless and hateful individuals. Residents of New York deserve safe streets. The Mayor’s office is advised that history will not reflect kindly on those who sat idly by as citizens were being attacked in the streets. We’ve all heard enough talk. It is time for action.

As reported by Vos Iz Neias