Group says it will hold press conference in coming days.

The son of senior Hamas militant Mazen Fuqaha sits on the shoulders of Hamas Gaza Chief Yehya Al-Sin
The son of senior Hamas militant Mazen Fuqaha sits on the shoulders of Hamas Gaza Chief Yehya Al-Sinwar during a memorial service for Fuqaha, in Gaza City March 27, 2017 . (photo credit:REUTERS)


Hamas Politburo Chairman Ismaill Haniyeh said on Thursday that Hamas’s security forces arrested the suspected killer of Hamas militant Mazen Fukaha.

“We announce to our people and nation that we discovered and arrested the direct killer of the martyr Mazen Fukaha,” Haniyeh said, speaking at press conference in front of Fukaha’s home in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza City.

Fukaha was a senior member of the Hamas’s military leadership, who was mysteriously assassinated on March 24 near his home.

Hamas has accused Israel and Palestinian collaborators of assassinating Fukaha and threatened to exact revenge. Israeli officials have not commented on the incident, except for Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, who suggested that Israel did not take part in it.

Haniyeh did not reveal the identity of the suspects assassin.

As reported by The Jerusalem Post